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Your Voice Matters

Your voice is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change in the world. Whether's speaking up for what you believe in, sharing your unique perspective, or advocating for those who may not have voice, your words the ability to inspire and others. By using voice to make a difference you can help create better future for yourself those around you. So't be afraid to up and let your voice heard - it can make a world of.

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General Well-being and Support .

1. What are the biggest challenges you face in your daily life?

2. Do you feel you have enough support from family, friends, or school? If not, what kind of support would be helpful?

3. How do you usually cope with stress or difficult situations? Are there other ways you would like to learn to cope?

Education and Learning .

4.  Are there subjects or topics in school where you feel you need more help or resources?

5.  Do you have access to extracurricular activities that interest you? If not, what activities would you like to have access to?

6.  Do you feel you have enough guidance about future career options and how to achieve your goals?

Social and Emotional Health .

7. How comfortable are you discussing your feelings and emotions with others? What would make it easier for you to talk about these things?

8. Do you feel you have positive role models or mentors? If not, what kind of role models or mentors would be beneficial for you?

9. Are there any social pressures or issues that you find challenging to navigate? What support would help you manage these pressures?

10. What skills or talents do you want to develop? What kind of support or resources would help you achieve this?

11. Do you feel confident in your ability to set and achieve personal goals? What kind of assistance would help you in setting and achieving these goals?

Personal Development .

Community and Engagement .

12. Do you feel included and valued in your community or social groups? What changes or support could improve this?

13. What types of community activities or programs do you think would benefit boys in your area?

Health and Safety .

14. Are there any concerns you have about your physical or mental health? What kind of support would you find helpful?
15. Do you feel safe and supported in your current environment (e.g., home, school)? What improvements would make you feel safer or more supported?

Feedback on Existing Services .

16. Have you participated in any programs or services aimed at helping boys? If so, what did you like or dislike about them?
17. What suggestions do you have for improving services or programs that are already available?

18. What are your hopes and dreams for the future? What kind of support or resources would help you pursue these aspirations?
19. Are there any barriers or obstacles you foresee in achieving your future goals? How can we help you overcome them?

Future Aspirations .

Involving Boys in Decision -Making .

20. How would you like to be involved in programs or activities designed to help boys?
21. What’s the best way for us to keep you informed and engaged with the work we are doing?

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